Our impact

Our Impact

Blue Zones Nicoya has its production facilities in the rural region of ​​San José – Pinilla, in Guanacaste. We generate direct and indirect jobs to the community. Additionally, we work hand in hand with small farmers in the area, supporting them in the development of their crops and generating steady income through our medium and long-term contracts.

Environmental Impact

Macaw Project

Although Blue Zones’ mission focuses on the rescue of traditional Nicoya products, its work has an impact on other types of rescue.

One of the initiatives that seeks to generate an impact in the area is the Macaw Project, which consists on the conservation and reinsertion of macaws, mainly specimens of the Scarlet macaw (Ara macaw).

This way, the company became an important ally of the Lapa Conservation Association (Asoprolapa), a non-governmental organization whose objective is to repopulate limpets in the Nicoya Peninsula.

The Blue Zones model farm, located in San José Pinilla (Guanacaste), has an adequate hatchery space for the preservation of macaws. The initiative started a year ago and has given very good results. There are currently about 20 pairs on the farm, with the intention of releasing 30 birds per year. The projection is that, in 10 years, the liberation of at least 300 specimens will be achieved.

The releases are made when the macaws are old enough to have an independent life. The species is completely monogamous and remains in pairs. Its life, under normal circumstances, can reach between 75 and 80 years, making it a symbolic bird of longevity, something that is aligned with the concept of Blue Zones.


Solar energy is an amazing sustainable way to achieve green energy and help with the environment.  Blue Zones Nicoya facilities are almost 100% powered by solar panels. These don’t only reduce our electricity bills but it has huge benefits for our planet.

Traditional electricity production can use thousands of water liters each year, generating power through solar panels doesn’t require any water, helping us save every precious drop. Solar energy is one of the cleanest sources of energy, and it is extremely efficient and sustainable.

From help reducing greenhouse gases, conserving precious water and improving our air quality, solar energy is the way to go and we are proud of being a sustainable and environmentally positive company.

Social Impact

Centenarios Project

The centennial population of the Nicoya Peninsula is the reason of being of Blue Zones Nicoya. This goes beyond the name of the company, since it is also closely related to the objective of the products: return to the roots of health from Nicoya.

Blue Zones aims to recover the food tradition of the oldest population in the region and to expand it to the eating habits of the new generations. Centenarians are an example to follow, being a beautiful model of a leisurely, jovial lifestyle, with a spirit of faith, lovers of physical activity, with good energy and respect for tradition.

With the intention of looking after the centennial population, a part of the income received from the product sales are donated to the Nicoya Peninsula Blue Zone Association. This was created in 2017 by journalist Jorge Vindas.

Since then, the project has focused on ensuring that the minimum needs of the centenarians in the area are met. The mission is highly relevant, since a large part of the centennial population and the elderly have economic difficulties.

The funds raised through sponsorships from private companies are destined to members of the centennial population with needs for food (such as nutritional supplements), mobilization, health care and provisions as basic as personal hygiene needs, among these the diapers for the elderly.

Other uses have been for the remodeling of spaces in the houses of these people, so that they have decent comforts, such as covering the ground floor or expanding the bathrooms. In addition, month by month funds are used to procure the transfer for the study of the members of the centennial population involved.

The importance of bees and our commitment to them

Bees are one of the most distinctive insects in the world, instantly recognizable with their black and yellow coat. They are also incredibly important to our well-being as it is thanks to these tireless pollinators that humans can thrive.