Honey & Co.
Since ancient times, honey has been used as both a source of food and as medicine. It is high in beneficial plant compounds and offers several health benefits. Honey is particularly healthy when used as a sweetener as opposed to refined sugar, which is 100% empty calories.
Honey contains several antioxidants, including phenolic compounds like flavonoids. The antioxidants in honey have been linked with beneficial effects, especially around hearth health, including increased blood flow to your heart and a reduced risk of blood clot formation.
Blue Zones Nicoya has expanded its Honey family, with the aim of being able to please a wide variety of sweet tooths! You can enjoy our Raw Honey which contains lots of health benefits. Perhaps you’re looking for something with a different flavor? Then you can try our Honey Spreads which combines the delicious taste of various fruits with the sweetness of the honey, all in a jam-like consistency. All in all, there is sure to be something for you here with our Honey & Co.