Longevity Coffee

Longevity Coffee

Costa Rica is famous around the world because of its coffee. The high mountainous regions and warm temperatures provide the perfect setting to harvest an amazing Arabica coffee cup. The country’s soil is infused with volcanic ashes and tropical rainfalls, enriching the beans flavor, aroma, body and acidity.

As you may (or may not) know, Nicoya – Guanacaste in Costa Rica is the most extensive Blue Zone in the world. There are more than five thousand inhabitants in the region that exceed 80 years of age. So, what does coffee have to do with the longevity of the Nicoya community? In a recent article by Blue Zones LLC, they stated that the daily ritual of coffee is actually incredibly beneficial for our health.  

Coffee is full of antioxidants, neutralizing free radicals and helping prevent degenerative diseases. A cozy brewed cup can improve mood, a study published by the Archives of Internal medicine discovered that women who drink two or three cups a day are fifteen percent less likely to become depressed. Coffee lowers the probability of age-related diseases caused by inflammation such as Alzheimer’s. It can lower the risk of type 3 diabetes and it can lower the risk of prostate cancer in men. (https://www.bluezones.com/2017/07/science-confirms-coffee-can-add-years-life/)

Blue Zone coffee is grown in the high hills of Hojancha, Santa Cruz and Nicoya in the Nicoya Peninsula, at a height above sea level that ranges between 500 and 1,000 meters. The varieties planted are Caturra, Catuaí and Costa Rica 95. It is a Hard Bean Pacific type coffee. Our partners are given technical assistance to each one in the production of a sustainable coffee and the necessary technical support so that together they can obtain a production that meets the quality standards established by the market. We understand Sustainable Coffee Growing as a type of coffee characterized by the incorporation of organic matter into the soil, the introduction of shade trees in the coffee plantation, as well as the development of agricultural and agronomic practices with low impact on the environment and the economy of the producer, also having the consideration of social norms that should govern the social relations of the production process. Once the harvest time is presented, our farmers provide work to the other neighboring citizens of the production areas for a period of 5 months.

Los Centenarios, our specialty coffee contains 70 times more antioxidant active molecules than regular coffee, this is because of the exposure to ocean breeze, soil minerals and high sun exposure. Los Centenarios is a Red Honey process coffee which is the bridge between a wet and natural coffee. The cherry is pulsed and then dried with the layer of mucilage left in the parchment. This effect creates a sticky substance very similar to the appearance of honey. The coffee made with this process generally contains a greater sweetness and a balanced acidity with fruity notes. The flavors are clear and defined, much more remarkable and pronounced than those of a natural process. Blue Zones Nicoya supports the centenarian community of Nicoya, Costa Rica by dedicating a percentage of all our coffee sales directly to their families. So, drink up, enjoy and live better! 

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